Bridging the Gap between Theoretical Learning and Practical Application: A Qualitative Study in the Italian Educational Context
2024-01-01 Fantinelli, S.; Cortini, M.; Di Fiore, T.; Iervese, S.; Galanti, T.
Can an abusive supervision be a predictor of doocing? Comment on akram, z.; li, y.; akram, u. when employees are emotionally exhausted due to abusive supervision. a conservation-of-resources perspective. int. j. environ. res. public health 2019, 16, 3300
2020-01-01 Fantinelli, S.
Community of practice online, the importance of technology for learning: An application of social network analysis
2018-01-01 Fantinelli, S.; Russo, V.
Exploring Attitudes toward Sustainability Education in a Group of Italian Preservice Teachers: The Role of Environmental Identity and Sense of Community Responsibility
2024-01-01 Sulla, F.; Fantinelli, S.; Toto, G. A.; Peconio, G.; Esposito, C.
Funeral and mortuary operators: The role of stigma, incivility, work meaningfulness and work–family relation to explain occupational burnout
2021-01-01 Guidetti, G.; Grandi, A.; Converso, D.; Bosco, N.; Fantinelli, S.; Zito, M.; Colombo, L.
Managing the future of talents: digital innovation in learning organizations
2024-01-01 Galanti, Teresa; Fantinelli, Stefania
Psychological Contracts and Organizational Commitment: The Positive Impact of Relational Contracts on Call Center Operators
2023-01-01 Fantinelli, S.; Galanti, T.; Guidetti, G.; Conserva, F.; Giffi, V.; Cortini, M.; Di Fiore, T.
Self-Perceived Employability of Workers With Disability: A Case Study in an Educational Farm
2022-01-01 Fantinelli, Stefania; Di Fiore, Teresa; Marzuoli, Alessia; Galanti, Teresa
The Influence of Individual and Contextual Factors on the Vocational Choices of Adolescents and Their Impact on Well-Being
2023-01-01 Fantinelli, S.; Esposito, C.; Carlucci, L.; Limone, P.; Sulla, F.
The mediating role of technostress in the relationship between social outcome expectations and teacher satisfaction: evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic in music education
2024-01-01 Toscano, F.; Galanti, T.; Giffi, V.; Fiore, T. D.; Cortini, M.; Fantinelli, S.
The role of organizational support in non-technical dimensions of safety: A case study in the automotive sector
2021-01-01 Galanti, T.; Di Fiore, T.; Fantinelli, S.; Cortini, M.