The convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie was founded in 1422 by San Bernardino in visit to the city of Bergamo. Like all observant Franciscan monasteries, the institution strongly permeated the moral, political and cultural life of the city, soon integrating itself into the urban context, opening a school for the friars and two of different levels for the children, until the date of its suppression, in 1810. Unlike other illustrious monasteries and convents in Bergamo, it does not seem to have remained a great trace of convent delle Grazie, in terms. of archival documentation, and this has made the convent’s contribution to the history of the city and of thought slipped into the background. However, few data in some manuscripts have allowed us to reconstruct, slowly aggregating around themselves data that were originally insignificant or obscure, the story of a rich library that knows no cesure between manuscript books and ancient printed books. What emerges is the partial reconstruction of a library now dispersed and refracted in various places and locations, which clearly shows its function as support for an intense and stimulating cultural and pastoral activity. The contribution presents the descriptions of the 97 volumes traced, including 16 manuscripts and 39 incunabula
Il convento di Santa Maria delle Grazie venne fondato nel 1422 da san Bernardino in visita alla citta` bergamasca. Come tutti i conventi francescani osservanti, l’istituzione permeo` fortemente la vita morale, politica e culturale della citta` , integrandosi ben presto nel tessuto urbano, aprendo una scuola per i frati e due di diverso livello per i fanciulli, fino alla data della sua Soppressione, avvenuta nel 1810. A differenza di altri illustri monasteri e conventi bergamaschi, delle Grazie non appare essere rimasta gran traccia, sul piano della documentazione archivistica, e questo ha fatto scivolare in secondo piano il contributo del convento alla storia della citta` e del pensiero. Tuttavia, pochi dati presenti in alcuni manoscritti hanno permesso di ricostruire, aggregando pian piano intorno a se´ dati in origine insignificanti od oscuri, la storia di una ricca biblioteca che non conosce cesure tra libri manoscritti e antichi libri a stampa. Ne emerge la parziale ricostruzione di una biblioteca ora dispersa e rifratta in diversi luoghi e sedi, che manifesta chiaramente la sua funzione di supporto di un’intensa e stimolante attivita` culturale e pastorale. Il contributo presenta le schede descrittive dei 97 volumi rintracciati, tra cui16 manoscritti e 39 incunaboli
Santa Maria delle Grazie di Bergamo : il convento e la biblioteca
Pantarotto Martina
Writing – Original Draft Preparation
The convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie was founded in 1422 by San Bernardino in visit to the city of Bergamo. Like all observant Franciscan monasteries, the institution strongly permeated the moral, political and cultural life of the city, soon integrating itself into the urban context, opening a school for the friars and two of different levels for the children, until the date of its suppression, in 1810. Unlike other illustrious monasteries and convents in Bergamo, it does not seem to have remained a great trace of convent delle Grazie, in terms. of archival documentation, and this has made the convent’s contribution to the history of the city and of thought slipped into the background. However, few data in some manuscripts have allowed us to reconstruct, slowly aggregating around themselves data that were originally insignificant or obscure, the story of a rich library that knows no cesure between manuscript books and ancient printed books. What emerges is the partial reconstruction of a library now dispersed and refracted in various places and locations, which clearly shows its function as support for an intense and stimulating cultural and pastoral activity. The contribution presents the descriptions of the 97 volumes traced, including 16 manuscripts and 39 incunabulaI documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.