Professional development paths represent a resource to conduct research and contribute to qualify the professional practices of those working in the field of educational processes. Student-centered, engaging and individual-oriented methodologies are some of the areas of interest. In the broad panorama of active formative offers, one dimension that could be further explored is that of giftedness, along with its methodological and didactical implications, to made aware not only teachers that manage special educational needs. The paper discusses the results of an exploratory study conducted with 4352 trainee teachers (30 CFU Habilitation in teaching) enrolled at eCampus University. The main objective was to deepen their profile, dispositions, and knowledge on the topic of instructional design and giftedness, also to identify emerging needs in this regard. A questionnaire and synchronous meetings were used to consult teachers; a Padlet was used to support communication. The study revealed wide interest in the investigated themes among teachers; they pointed out that the topic is not much discussed in operative contexts. At the same time, knowledges about law-regulation and didactical implications that can support gifted students appeared weak.
I percorsi di sviluppo professionale rappresentano una risorsa per fare ricerca e contribuire a qualificare le pratiche professionali di chi opera nell’ambito dei processi educativi. Le metodologie student-centered, engaging e volte a valorizzare le peculiarità individuali sono alcuni degli ambiti di interesse. Nell’ampio panorama di offerte formative attive, una dimensione che potrebbe essere ulteriormente esplorata è quella della plusdotazione, congiuntamente alle implicazioni metodologico-didattiche ad essa connesse, affinché ne abbiano padronanza non solo coloro che devono gestire bisogni educativi specifici in tal senso. Il contributo presenta gli esiti di un’indagine esplorativa condotta con 4352 docenti iscritti al Percorso abilitante 30 CFU attivato dall’Università eCampus. Il principale obiettivo è stato approfondirne profilo, disposizioni e conoscenze in tema di progettazione didattica e plusdotazione, anche al fine di individuare bisogni formativi emergenti sul tema. I docenti sono stati consultati attraverso un questionario, incontri in sincrono e un Padlet predisposto a supporto della comunicazione. Lo studio ha consentito di rilevare ampio interesse in tema plusdotazione da parte dei docenti, che hanno evidenziato come nei contesti operativi il tema sia poco dibattuto. Al contempo sono apparse deboli le conoscenze di base sulla normativa e sulla dimensione didattica che può essere di supporto ai cosiddetti studenti gifted.
Formazione iniziale e competenze professionali degli insegnanti: un focus sulla plusdotazione
arianna giuliani
Professional development paths represent a resource to conduct research and contribute to qualify the professional practices of those working in the field of educational processes. Student-centered, engaging and individual-oriented methodologies are some of the areas of interest. In the broad panorama of active formative offers, one dimension that could be further explored is that of giftedness, along with its methodological and didactical implications, to made aware not only teachers that manage special educational needs. The paper discusses the results of an exploratory study conducted with 4352 trainee teachers (30 CFU Habilitation in teaching) enrolled at eCampus University. The main objective was to deepen their profile, dispositions, and knowledge on the topic of instructional design and giftedness, also to identify emerging needs in this regard. A questionnaire and synchronous meetings were used to consult teachers; a Padlet was used to support communication. The study revealed wide interest in the investigated themes among teachers; they pointed out that the topic is not much discussed in operative contexts. At the same time, knowledges about law-regulation and didactical implications that can support gifted students appeared weak.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.