'My Friends are my Audience': Mass-mediation of Personal Content and Relations in Facebook
2014-01-01 Pedroni, MARCO LUCA; Carlo, S.; Pasquali, F.
'Stumbling on the Heels of My Blog': Career, Forms of Capital, and Strategies in the (Sub)Field of Fashion Blogging
2015-01-01 Pedroni, MARCO LUCA
Anti-gambling policies: framing morality policy in Italy
2020-01-01 Bassoli, M.; Marzulli, M.; Pedroni, M.
Art Seen from Outside: Non-artistic Legitimation within the Field of Fashion Design
2014-01-01 Pedroni, MARCO LUCA; Volontè, P.
Collaboration, Antagonism, Exploitation: Which is the Relation Between Fashion Blogging and Fashion Journalism?
2014-01-01 Pedroni, MARCO LUCA
Commodifying the followers or challenging the mainstream? The two-sided potential of curvy fashion bloggers
2018-01-01 Pedroni, M.; Pofi, M. P.
Coolhunting. Genesi di una pratica professionale eretica
2010-01-01 Pedroni, MARCO LUCA
Cross-fertilization tra moda e arte. Il caso di Piazza Sempione
2006-01-01 Pedroni, MARCO LUCA
Cross-fertilization tra moda e tecnologia. Il caso di Framis Italia
2006-01-01 Pedroni, MARCO LUCA
2017-01-01 Pedroni, MARCO LUCA
Dal fashion forecasting al coolhunting. Un nuovo modello di ricerca per le aziende italiane?
2011-01-01 Pedroni, MARCO LUCA
Dignità dell'effimero, ambivalenza e violenza simbolica. Tre lezioni da Die Mode
2013-01-01 Pedroni, MARCO LUCA
Extreme Losers: On Excess and Profitless Expenditure in Male Gambler Practices
2017-01-01 Pedroni, Marco
Fabbricanti di immaginario. Gli intermediari culturali di seconda generazione nel campo della moda
2014-01-01 Pedroni, MARCO LUCA
Fashion Tales: Feeding the Imaginary
2017-01-01 Mora, Emanuela; Pedroni, MARCO LUCA
Fashionating Images: Audiovisual Media Studies Meet Fashion
2017-01-01 D'Aloia, A.; Baronian, M--A.; Pedroni, M.
Fashionating Images: Audiovisual Media Studies Meet Fashion
2017-01-01 D’Aloia, A.; Baronian, M. A.; Pedroni, M.
Fenomenologia dei social network. Presenza, relazioni e consumi mediali degli italiani online
2017-01-01 Boccia Artieri, G.; Pasquali, F.; Gemini, L.; Carlo, S.; Farci, M.; Pedroni, M.
From Fashion Forecasting to Coolhunting. Prevision Models in Fashion and in Cultural Production
2012-01-01 Pedroni, MARCO LUCA
From Fashion Forecasting to Coolhunting: Previsional Models in Fashion and in Cultural Production
2013-01-01 Pedroni, MARCO LUCA