A Mirror for Magistrates. Etica e prassi del potere in Antony and Cleopatra di William Shakespeare
2021-01-01 Rossi, Valentina
A Pragmatic Analysis of Cont(r)acts in Congreve’s The Way of the World
2022-01-01 Rossi, Valentina
A pragmatic analysis of im/polite discourse. Four case studies
2022-01-01 Rossi, Valentina
All for Love. Il vendicatore inadeguato in The Mourning Bride di William Congreve
2019-01-01 Rossi, Valentina
Echi shakespeariani nella caratterizzazione dei personaggi di 'Tis Pity She's a Whore
2017-01-01 Rossi, Valentina
Edward Ravenscroft, Amanti spensierati
2024-01-01 Ciambella, Fabio; DEL VILLANO, Bianca; Graziano, Alba; Rossi, Valentina; Sebellin, Rossana; Plescia, Iolanda
Introduction (Section I)
2020-01-01 Rossi, Valentina
L'amore per contratto: la proviso scene
2024-01-01 Rossi, Valentina
Le rappresentazioni italiane dell'Antonio e Cleopatra di Shakespeare. 1888-2015
2020-01-01 Rossi, Valentina
Odore di donna. Il basso corporeo nella poesia scatologica di Jonathan Swift
2023-01-01 Rossi, Valentina
Reception Studies and Adaptation: A Focus on Italy
2020-01-01 Rossi, Valentina; Magazzù, Giulia; Sileo, Angela
Ritratto di Mark Antony: il riscatto sulla scena italiana di un eroe tragico shakespeariano
2024-01-01 Rossi, Valentina
The Function of Horner’s Irony in Wycherley’s The Country Wife
2023-01-01 Rossi, Valentina
“An iris by any other name would smell as sweet": adapting Shakespeare in Romeo x Juliet
2022-01-01 Rossi, Valentina
“Has marriage cured thee of whoring": Impoliteness and Taboo Matters in Wycherley’s The Country Wife
2024-01-01 Rossi, Valentina
“Impoliteness and Turn-Taking in Conversation: The Case of The Ranch”
2022-01-01 Rossi, Valentina
“Ink and paper": A Study on the English Editions and the Italian Translations of Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra
2024-01-01 Rossi, Valentina
“It was obscene in the real world”: The Function of Jordan Belfort's Impolite Language in The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)
2024-01-01 Rossi, Valentina
“One way like a Gorgon, the other way’s a Mars". Rassegna delle edizioni a stampa inglesi e italiane dell’Antony and Cleopatra shakespeariano
2020-01-01 Rossi, Valentina
“Quick comedians extemporally will stage us": The Adaptation of Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra by Mario Missiroli (1982)
2020-01-01 Rossi, Valentina