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CINECA IRIS Institutional Research Information System
A comparison is presented of Sunyaev-Zeldovich measurements for 11
galaxy clusters as obtained by Planck and by the ground-based
interferometer, the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager. Assuming a universal
spherically-symmetric Generalised Navarro, Frenk and White (GNFW) model
for the cluster gas pressure profile, we jointly constrain the
integrated Compton-Y parameter (Y<SUB>500</SUB>) and the scale radius
(theta<SUB>500</SUB>) of each cluster. Our resulting constraints in
the Y<SUB>500</SUB> - theta<SUB>500</SUB> 2D parameter space derived
from the two instruments overlap significantly for eight of the
clusters, although, overall, there is a tendency for AMI to find the
Sunyaev-Zeldovich signal to be smaller in angular size and fainter than
Planck. Significant discrepancies exist for the three remaining clusters
in the sample, namely A1413, A1914, and the newly-discovered Planck
cluster PLCKESZ G139.59+24.18. The robustness of the analysis of both
the Planck and AMI data is demonstrated through the use of detailed
simulations, which also discount confusion from residual point (radio)
sources and from diffuse astrophysical foregrounds as possible
explanations for the discrepancies found. For a subset of our cluster
sample, we have investigated the dependence of our results on the
assumed pressure profile by repeating the analysis adopting the
best-fitting GNFW profile shape which best matches X-ray observations.
Adopting the best-fitting profile shape from the X-ray data does not, in
general, resolve the discrepancies found in this subset of five
clusters. Though based on a small sample, our results suggest that the
adopted GNFW model may not be sufficiently flexible to describe clusters
Planck intermediate results. II. Comparison of Sunyaev-Zeldovich measurements from Planck and from the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager for 11 galaxy clusters
P. Collaboration;A. Collaboration;P. A. R.;N. Aghanim;M. Arnaud;M. Ashdown;J. Aumont;C. Baccigalupi;A. Balbi;A. J. Banday;R. B. Barreiro;E. Battaner;R. Battye;K. Benabed;A. Beno�t;J. Bernard;M. Bersanelli;R. Bhatia;I. Bikmaev;H. B�hringer;A. Bonaldi;J. R. Bond;J. Borrill;F. R. Bouchet;H. Bourdin;M. L. Brown;M. Bucher;R. Burenin;C. Burigana;R. C. Butler;P. Cabella;P. Carvalho;A. Catalano;L. Cay�n;A. Chamballu;R. Chary;L. Chiang;G. Chon;D. L. Clements;S. Colafrancesco;S. Colombi;A. Coulais;B. P. Crill;F. Cuttaia;A. D. Silva;H. Dahle;R. D. Davies;R. J. Davis;P. d. Bernardis;G. d. Gasperis;A. d. Rosa;G. d. Zotti;J. Delabrouille;J. D�mocl�s;C. Dickinson;J. M. Diego;K. Dolag;H. Dole;S. Donzelli;O. Dor�;M. Douspis;X. Dupac;G. Efstathiou;T. A. En�lin;H. K. Eriksen;F. Feroz;F. Finelli;I. Flores Cacho;O. Forni;P. Fosalba;M. Frailis;E. Franceschi;S. Fromenteau;S. Galeotta;K. Ganga;R. T. G�nova Santos;M. Giard;Y. Giraud H�raud;J. Gonz�lez Nuevo;K. M. G�rski;K. J. B.;A. Gregorio;A. Gruppuso;F. K. Hansen;D. Harrison;S. Henrot Versill�;C. Hern�ndez Monteagudo;D. Herranz;S. R. Hildebrandt;E. Hivon;M. Hobson;W. A. Holmes;K. M. Huffenberger;G. Hurier;N. Hurley Walker;T. Jagemann;M. Juvela;E. Keih�nen;I. Khamitov;R. Kneissl;J. Knoche;M. Kunz;H. Kurki Suonio;G. Lagache;J. Lamarre;A. Lasenby;C. R. Lawrence;M. L. Jeune;S. Leach;R. Leonardi;A. Liddle;P. B. Lilje;M. Linden V�rnle;M. L�pez Caniego;G. Luzzi;J. F. Mac�as P�rez;C. J. MacTavish;D. Maino;N. Mandolesi;M. Maris;F. Marleau;D. J. Marshall;E. Mart�nez Gonz�lez;S. Masi;M. Massardi;S. Matarrese;F. Matthai;P. Mazzotta;P. R. Meinhold;A. Melchiorri;J. Melin;L. Mendes;A. Mennella;S. Mitra;M. Miville Desch�nes;L. Montier;G. Morgante;D. Munshi;P. Naselsky;P. Natoli;H. U. N�rgaard Nielsen;F. Noviello;D. Novikov;I. Novikov;M. Olamaie;S. Osborne;F. Pajot;D. Paoletti;F. Pasian;G. Patanchon;T. J. Pearson;O. Perdereau;Y. C. Perrott;F. Perrotta;F. Piacentini;E. Pierpaoli;P. Platania;E. Pointecouteau;G. Polenta;L. Popa;T. Poutanen;G. W. Pratt;J. Puget;J. P. Rachen;R. Rebolo;M. Reinecke;M. Remazeilles;C. Renault;S. Ricciardi;I. Ristorcelli;G. Rocha;C. Rodr�guez Gonz�lvez;C. Rosset;M. Rossetti;J. A. Rubi�o Mart�n;C. Rumsey;B. Rusholme;M. Sandri;R. D. E.;G. Savini;M. P. Schammel;D. Scott;T. W. Shimwell;G. F. Smoot;J. Starck;F. Stivoli;V. Stolyarov;R. Sudiwala;R. Sunyaev;D. Sutton;A. Suur Uski;J. Sygnet;J. A. Tauber;TERENZI, LUCA;L. Toffolatti;M. Tomasi;M. Tristram;L. Valenziano;B. V. Tent;P. Vielva;F. Villa;N. Vittorio;L. A. Wade;B. D. Wandelt;D. Yvon;A. Zacchei;A. Zonca
A comparison is presented of Sunyaev-Zeldovich measurements for 11
galaxy clusters as obtained by Planck and by the ground-based
interferometer, the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager. Assuming a universal
spherically-symmetric Generalised Navarro, Frenk and White (GNFW) model
for the cluster gas pressure profile, we jointly constrain the
integrated Compton-Y parameter (Y500) and the scale radius
(theta500) of each cluster. Our resulting constraints in
the Y500 - theta500 2D parameter space derived
from the two instruments overlap significantly for eight of the
clusters, although, overall, there is a tendency for AMI to find the
Sunyaev-Zeldovich signal to be smaller in angular size and fainter than
Planck. Significant discrepancies exist for the three remaining clusters
in the sample, namely A1413, A1914, and the newly-discovered Planck
cluster PLCKESZ G139.59+24.18. The robustness of the analysis of both
the Planck and AMI data is demonstrated through the use of detailed
simulations, which also discount confusion from residual point (radio)
sources and from diffuse astrophysical foregrounds as possible
explanations for the discrepancies found. For a subset of our cluster
sample, we have investigated the dependence of our results on the
assumed pressure profile by repeating the analysis adopting the
best-fitting GNFW profile shape which best matches X-ray observations.
Adopting the best-fitting profile shape from the X-ray data does not, in
general, resolve the discrepancies found in this subset of five
clusters. Though based on a small sample, our results suggest that the
adopted GNFW model may not be sufficiently flexible to describe clusters
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simulazione ASN
Il report seguente simula gli indicatori relativi alla propria produzione scientifica in relazione alle soglie ASN 2023-2025 del proprio SC/SSD. Si ricorda che il superamento dei valori soglia (almeno 2 su 3) è requisito necessario ma non sufficiente al conseguimento dell'abilitazione. La simulazione si basa sui dati IRIS e sugli indicatori bibliometrici alla data indicata e non tiene conto di eventuali periodi di congedo obbligatorio, che in sede di domanda ASN danno diritto a incrementi percentuali dei valori. La simulazione può differire dall'esito di un’eventuale domanda ASN sia per errori di catalogazione e/o dati mancanti in IRIS, sia per la variabilità dei dati bibliometrici nel tempo. Si consideri che Anvur calcola i valori degli indicatori all'ultima data utile per la presentazione delle domande.
La presente simulazione è stata realizzata sulla base delle specifiche raccolte sul tavolo ER del Focus Group IRIS coordinato dall’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e delle regole riportate nel DM 589/2018 e allegata Tabella A. Cineca, l’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e il Focus Group IRIS non si assumono alcuna responsabilità in merito all’uso che il diretto interessato o terzi faranno della simulazione. Si specifica inoltre che la simulazione contiene calcoli effettuati con dati e algoritmi di pubblico dominio e deve quindi essere considerata come un mero ausilio al calcolo svolgibile manualmente o con strumenti equivalenti.