Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 144
AS - Asia 33
NA - Nord America 2
Totale 179
Nazione #
RU - Federazione Russa 125
SG - Singapore 25
HK - Hong Kong 8
FI - Finlandia 6
AT - Austria 5
DE - Germania 5
FR - Francia 2
CA - Canada 1
IT - Italia 1
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1
Totale 179
Città #
Moscow 75
Singapore 19
Hong Kong 8
Helsinki 6
Nuremberg 2
Los Angeles 1
Macerata 1
Montreal 1
Roubaix 1
Vienna 1
Totale 115
Nome #
Oltre la retorica «unity in diversity»: un dialogo critico tra multiculturalismo e interculturalismo 8
Sociological Complexity Theory: From Epistemology to Empirical Methodology 8
A statistical survey on the multi-ethnic school in Abruzzo, a region in central Italy: perspectives on intercultural approach to integration 8
'Diversity Culture' in Social Services: Person-Centered Care 8
Multiethnic Societies, Citizenship/ Citizenships and Intercultural Education 8
Nuove generazioni nella società multietnica. Una ricerca nelle scuole d'Abruzzo 8
Globalizzazione, Scienza Sociologia e Complessità 7
AHP procedures for decisions in a multi-ethnic scholastic enviroment 7
Logica fuzzy per l'analisi sociologica. Il caso dell'integrazione scolastica degli stranieri 7
Formalization of models and strategies for diversity management in a multiethnic and multicultural school 6
The Paradigm of the Complex Dynamic Systems and Sociological Analysis 6
Transnational-Cultural Identity Among Immigrant Students in Italy in a Globalized Era 6
Peer Mentoring to Promote Students' Well-being and Community Building in Higher Education: an Italian Case Study 6
Complessità e analisi sociologica in Edgar Morin 6
Management of cultural diversity in a multiethnic school: a case study 6
Recensione: Maddalena Colombo (cur.), Immigrazione e contesti locali. Annuario Cirmib 2015, Vita e Pensiero, Milano, 2015, pp.296 6
Il paradigma interculturale. Questioni teoriche e declinazioni educative (Presentazione di V. Cesareo) 6
Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process to the Sociological Analysis 6
Intercultural education and construction of living together in a plural society: the results of an empiric research 6
Social Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups in the IPA Adriatic Area. Media Representations, Educational Integration Policies and Statistic Data (Frontiere delle Scienze Sociali, Collana diretta da L. Caramiello) 6
Is Diversity Enough? Exploring Intergroup Friendships in Italian Multiethnic Schools 6
Educazione tra pari: peer mentoring nel contesto universitario 6
New generations and intercultural integration in a multi-ethnic society 6
Complexity and Sociology 6
Il servizio sociale tra richiesta di managerializzazione e risposta alle disuguaglianze 6
Living in Two Homes. Integration, Identity and Education of Transnational Migrants in a Globalized World 5
Peer Mentoring Universitario. Generare Legami Sociali e Competenze Trasversali. (Presentazione di Elena Besozzi) 5
Logica Fuzzy e Integrazione Scolastica 5
An application of the analytic hierarchy process to the foreign students' integration analysis 5
Intercultural Education: Critical Perspectives, Pedagogical Challenges and Promising Practices 5
Intercultural Education in Italy and in the United States: the results of a binational inquiry 5
Contro-narrazione sull'analisi della migrazione internazionale nell'area MENA: "Localisation Category" 5
Cross-cultural education 5
A Systems ‘Analysis of Latine Education in Massachusetts: A Call for Critical Intercultural Integration 5
Social integration of new generation in Abruzzo region 5
Social Justice Education in European Multi-ethnic Schools. Addressing the Goals of Intercul-tural Education 4
Education and Diversity: Theoretical and Practical Issues 4
Multi-etnic society and cross-cultural perspectives in the school 4
Interculturality and Social Bonds Formation: a Case Study on Immigrant and Native Preadolescents in Italy 4
The Multiculturalism-Interculturalism Debate: An Interview with Tariq Modood 4
Preface 4
Introduction 4
Le “nuove generazioni” nella scuola interculturale 4
Migration, Citizenship and Educational Policies: The Results of Research in Italian Schools 4
Problematizing the Conceptual Framework of Interculturalism and its Pedagogical Extension of Intercultural Education: Theoretical Perspectives and their Implications 4
Re-conceptualizing Intercultural Education in a Changing World: Facing Discrimination and Inequity at the Micro and Macro Levels 4
Globalization, multi-ethnic society and sustainable development 4
AHP procedures for decisions in a multi-ethnic scholastic enviroment 4
Multiethnic societies, educational policies, citizenship 4
Statistical and mathematical models for the analysis of educational processes in the intercultural school 3
Formalization of models for the analysis of the phenomenon of cross-culture in a multi-ethnic scholastic environment 2
Totale 276
Categoria #
all - tutte 648
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 648

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2024/2025276 0 0 0 0 0 276 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 276