Catalogo Ricerca
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 366.729
EU - Europa 203.823
AS - Asia 55.443
AF - Africa 5.946
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2.970
SA - Sud America 933
OC - Oceania 294
Totale 636.138
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 359.765
DE - Germania 51.853
UA - Ucraina 43.818
IT - Italia 42.102
CN - Cina 24.938
SG - Singapore 18.557
SE - Svezia 16.546
FI - Finlandia 10.812
GB - Regno Unito 9.313
RU - Federazione Russa 9.214
TR - Turchia 7.538
IE - Irlanda 7.079
FR - Francia 6.697
CA - Canada 6.538
CM - Camerun 5.250
EU - Europa 2.953
PL - Polonia 1.759
BE - Belgio 1.018
IN - India 887
IL - Israele 815
ES - Italia 663
NL - Olanda 529
BR - Brasile 484
CH - Svizzera 399
RO - Romania 397
MX - Messico 333
HK - Hong Kong 328
AT - Austria 281
KR - Corea 278
AU - Australia 239
JP - Giappone 217
ID - Indonesia 204
MY - Malesia 200
SC - Seychelles 191
IR - Iran 174
EG - Egitto 157
PT - Portogallo 155
TW - Taiwan 145
AR - Argentina 144
TH - Thailandia 134
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 130
PH - Filippine 130
VN - Vietnam 127
GR - Grecia 117
PK - Pakistan 108
NO - Norvegia 95
BG - Bulgaria 94
PE - Perù 94
MA - Marocco 93
AL - Albania 91
GE - Georgia 86
HU - Ungheria 85
ZA - Sudafrica 82
HR - Croazia 80
DK - Danimarca 79
SA - Arabia Saudita 77
CO - Colombia 61
EC - Ecuador 61
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 60
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 58
RS - Serbia 57
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 54
CL - Cile 47
LV - Lettonia 43
AZ - Azerbaigian 42
EE - Estonia 42
KZ - Kazakistan 40
DZ - Algeria 37
BY - Bielorussia 36
IQ - Iraq 35
KG - Kirghizistan 35
PA - Panama 34
TN - Tunisia 33
BD - Bangladesh 32
LT - Lituania 31
AM - Armenia 30
CY - Cipro 28
IS - Islanda 27
NG - Nigeria 26
JO - Giordania 23
LK - Sri Lanka 22
BO - Bolivia 20
SI - Slovenia 19
LB - Libano 17
LY - Libia 17
MN - Mongolia 17
VA - Santa Sede (Città del Vaticano) 17
A1 - Anonimo 16
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 16
LU - Lussemburgo 16
OM - Oman 16
UZ - Uzbekistan 16
VE - Venezuela 16
SM - San Marino 15
JM - Giamaica 12
MD - Moldavia 12
ME - Montenegro 12
PS - Palestinian Territory 12
KH - Cambogia 11
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 10
Totale 635.953
Città #
Fairfield 44.836
Chandler 44.357
Jacksonville 36.924
Woodbridge 28.488
Houston 24.673
Ashburn 24.036
Wilmington 21.063
Seattle 19.042
Beijing 18.170
Cambridge 15.343
Ann Arbor 14.481
Singapore 8.317
Lawrence 7.510
Dublin 6.982
New York 6.963
Helsinki 6.838
Princeton 6.754
Ottawa 6.102
Boardman 5.898
Rome 3.368
Milan 3.152
London 2.018
San Diego 1.623
Cedar Knolls 1.612
Redwood City 1.500
Kraków 1.456
West Jordan 1.289
Guangzhou 1.078
Los Angeles 896
Brussels 885
Nanjing 857
Hefei 760
Palermo 748
Kunming 731
Naples 667
Redmond 620
Dearborn 595
Santa Clara 582
Florence 489
Chiswick 481
Bologna 478
Bari 431
Shenzhen 430
Kursk 413
Prescot 411
Pune 386
Catania 380
Kilburn 351
Turin 338
Nanchang 324
Napoli 313
Washington 311
Falls Church 296
Islington 283
Jinan 282
Torino 275
Padova 264
Norwalk 238
Hounslow 218
Paris 217
Verona 215
Mexico City 201
Indiana 200
Salerno 200
Pisa 196
Parma 193
Brescia 191
Toronto 181
Genoa 180
Madrid 180
Dallas 176
New Bedfont 169
Shanghai 166
Amsterdam 164
Tappahannock 164
Perugia 161
Vienna 158
Moscow 154
Secaucus 154
Cagliari 153
Munich 153
Focsani 151
Buffalo 144
Hanover 143
Mcallen 142
Shenyang 138
Zhengzhou 138
Chicago 136
Berlin 134
Saint Petersburg 134
Hong Kong 133
Messina 131
Phoenix 130
Atlanta 128
Centro 117
Wuhan 117
Kocaeli 116
Chengdu 115
Nuremberg 115
Monza 114
Totale 385.008
Nome #
Traduzione commentata de "Le Cid" di Pierre Corneille(I, 1-2, v. 1-52) 9.900
Il primate della moda. L'antropologia della moda come teoria della cultura 1.392
Racconti seriali. Storia e linguaggio della fiction televisiva di serie 1.190
Il pensiero scientifico di Nicola Andria 789
L'ANAS s.p.a. e il patrocinio dell'Avvocatura dello Stato. La Cassazione conferma una concezione sostanzialistica di ente pubblico 571
Identità di genere e processi di identificazione nell’anoressia e bulimia dell’adolescenza. Dati dei test proiettivi utilizzati nel quadro di una ricerca sistemica 463
La tradizione e il testo del carme «Ytalie iam certus honos» di Giovanni Boccaccio 462
Smartphones and Exergame Controllers as BYOD Solutions for the e-tivities of an Online Sport and Exercise Sciences University Program 442
Effect of Rotigotine vs Placebo on Cognitive Functions Among Patients With Mild to Moderate Alzheimer Disease: A Randomized Clinical Trial 435
Admission control and drop strategies in a UPnP-QoS controlled home network 425
Personalizable Service Discovery in Pervasive Systems 412
Fondamenti di Meccanica e Biomeccanica del Movimento 409
Density evolution-based analysis and design of LDPC codes with a-priori information 406
Correzioni di Verga da Frine a Eva 389
Uphill running at Iso-Efficiency Speed 389
Squid Game. Società, cultura, rappresentazioni 381
The -1727 A/T, -50 C/T and (CAA)(n) repeat GSK-3 beta gene polymorphisms and resistance to antipsychotics in schizophrenia 380
Sand transport in multiphase flow mixtures in a horizontal pipeline: An experimental investigation 377
Orientable Closed 3-Manifolds with Surface-Complexity One 372
Il Pataffio 370
L'intelligenza in movimento. Il ruolo delle strutture motorie nella disabilità intellettiva 369
Esigenze di armonizzazione e tendenze evolutive (o involutive?) nella composizione negoziale della cris: dal tramonto del dogma della 'non fattibilità' alle prospettive de iure condendo 366
Ospitalità domestica: contro-narrare le migrazioni 364
An Overview on Silicon Valley Bank Failure in Europe: Causes and Effects 364
3-varietà non orientabili di complessità bassa 363
A 3D multibody approach to the study of human motion: jumps and gait analyses 360
2D-Coherent acoustic intensity measurements for source identification in aircraft cabins 352
Sketches to Support Automatic Product Configuration 347
Strategie di coping e coping efficacy nei bambini esposti al conflitto genitoriale: il ruolo dell’attaccamento. 343
Do subjects with obesity understimate their body size? A Narrative review of estimation methods and explaining theories 342
Object-oriented framework for managing modular product configuration 341
3D Simulation System for GD&T Inspection Process Planning and Optimisation 340
Microimpresa e innovazione 340
Los nuevos caminos del eBook y del texto electrónico. Evolución histórica y social 339
A hybrid radio/accelerometric approach to arm posture recognition 338
Mindfulness-Based IARA Model® Proves Effective to Reduce Stress and Anxiety in Health Care Professionals. A Six-Month Follow-Up Study 329
Né l'Organicismo né il Vitalismo esclusivi sono veri 327
Markov chain-based analysis of multihop IEEE 802.15.4 wireless networks with finite node buffers 326
Counterfactual communication in politics: Features and effects on voters 325
Immune and metabolic alterations in first episode psychosis (FEP) patients 325
In particolare: riflessioni circa la mediazione ed i suoi rapporti con il diritto civile italiano 321
Virtual Reality-Enhanced Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Morbid Obesity: A Randomized Controlled Study with 1 Year Follow-Up 317
Educational Big Data Mining: How to Enhance Virtual Learning Environments 312
Methods. Sample selection, variables and measurements 311
Il passaggio dal sistema europeo al sistema mondiale e il mutamento delle unità del sistema internazionale 311
Lo sviluppo dell'Unione europea e la sua crisi nel contesto globale presentato 303
La moneta unica e l'unione politica 302
The politicization of the European elections and its potential effects on the EU 299
Corporate sustainability disclosure and measures to mitigate greenwashing 295
Il metaverso e la digital innovation nel settore della moda. Una revisione della letteratura 294
null 292
Planck pre-launch status: Design and description of the Low Frequency Instrument 291
Effects of fitlight training on cognitive-motor processes in open skill sports 290
Le malattie mentali nel Primo Ottocento: Nicola Andria e la psichiatria moderna 289
The Characteristics of Cognitive Impairment in ALS Patients Depend on the Lateralization of Motor Damage 286
Improving visuo-motor learning with cerebellar theta burst stimulation: Behavioral and neurophysiological evidence 283
Risk factors for mortality in 600 patients in vegetative and minimally conscious states. 278
Traumi irrisolti, comportamento genitoriale atipico e attaccamento disorganizzato: una rassegna della letteratura 276
Leg Press vs. Smith Machine: Quadriceps Activation and Overall Perceived Effort Profiles 276
Economia, storia, natura. La relazione tra l'uomo e l'ambiente in una prospettiva storica. 275
The STRATOB study: design of a randomized controlled clinical trial of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Brief Strategic Therapy with telecare in patients with obesity and binge-eating disorder referred to residential nutritional rehabilitation 273
3AKEP: Triple-authenticated key exchange protocol for peer-to-peer VoIP applications 271
Ludwig Feuerbach e il punto di approdo della filosofia classica tedesca 265
Difficulties in work-related activities among migraineurs are scarcely collected: results from a literature review. 265
Auditory evoked responses upon awakening from sleep in human subjects 263
Blockchain-based traceability in Agri-Food supply chain management: A practical implementation 261
Association between baseline serum vascular endothelial growth factor levels and response to electroconvulsive therapy. 259
The effect of the shape of the cohesive material law on the stress transfer at the FRP-masonry interface 259
Sociodemographic features and diagnoses as predictors of severe disability in a sample of adults applying for disability certification. 258
Caregiving for patients in vegetative and minimally conscious states: perceived burden as a mediator in caregivers' expression of needs and symptoms of depression and anxiety. 258
Difficulties in work-related activities among migraineurs are scarcely collected: results from a literature review. 257
A qualitative study on perceptions of changes reported by caregivers of patients in vegetative state and minimally conscious state: the "time gap experience". 257
Caregivers of patients with disorder of consciousness: burden, quality of life and social support. 256
Informal caregivers of patients with disorders of consciousness: Experience of ambiguous loss. 256
Tres digiti scribunt, totum corpus laborat. Il faticoso cammino della scrittura a mano tra memoria e futuro 255
Whole Body Vibration: unsupervised training or combined with a supervised multi-purpose exercise for fitness? 254
Development and validation of the multiple sclerosis questionnaire for the evaluation of job difficulties (MSQ-Job). 254
Caregivers of patients with disorder of consciousness: burden, quality of life and social support. 253
Sociodemographic features and diagnoses as predictors of severe disability in a sample of adults applying for disability certification. 250
Amazon in the OTT Jungle: Le strategie di valorizzazione del prodotto e selezione del pubblico degli Amazon Studios 250
GPS, scaling exponent and past seismicity for seismic hazard assessment in Garhwal–Kumaun, Himalayan region 249
I performed experiments and I have results. Wow, and now? 249
Copper-Catalyzed Simultaneous Activation of C–H and N–H Bonds: Three-Component One-Pot Cascade Synthesis of Multi­substituted Imidazoles 247
A qualitative study on perceptions of changes reported by caregivers of patients in vegetative state and minimally conscious state: the "time gap experience". 245
Modelling blowdown of pressure vessels containing two-phase hydrocarbons mixtures with the partial phase equilibrium approach 244
On the Effects of Ethical Climate(s) on Employees' Behavior: A Social Identity Approach 243
Design of an Innovative System for Wave Generation in Direct Tension–Compression Split Hopkinson Bar 242
Assessment of patients with disorder of consciousness: do different Coma Recovery Scale scoring correlate with different settings? 241
Cool products for building envelope - Part I: Development and lab scale testing 241
Stages of change in obesity and weight management: factorial structure of the Italian version of the University of Rhode Island Change Assessment Scale 240
Multiple Sclerosis Questionnaire for Job Difficulties (MSQ-Job): definition of the cut-off score 240
shigley progetto e costruzione di macchine (III edizione) 239
MOOC, pedagogia e progettazione di ambienti di apprendimento 238
Neurological diseases of ageing people with Down syndrome: A review from 1960 to 2011 237
Neuroscienze, linguaggio e percezione 236
Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) after stroke: Positive relationship between lower extremity and balance recovery 235
A Model Proposal for the Investigation of End Users' Satisfaction on the Usage of an E-Learning Platform 234
Totale 42.955

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202091.223 0 0 0 0 11.149 15.698 7.235 13.984 7.354 22.087 8.605 5.111
2020/2021113.021 16.105 12.675 8.042 12.217 8.770 11.949 7.804 8.070 5.375 6.052 11.964 3.998
2021/202240.952 3.247 5.240 9.173 3.279 681 2.806 1.676 9.151 1.874 2.555 473 797
2022/2023126.178 14.818 3.823 2.517 17.535 10.523 26.264 1.552 13.376 22.122 4.021 7.711 1.916
2023/202463.428 2.705 3.340 6.098 6.767 5.603 9.778 2.620 3.250 932 4.210 2.895 15.230
2024/202522.584 6.278 3.719 3.047 3.827 5.713 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 650.436